Film Permits

Film Permit Guidelines

Whether you are interested in filming a small public service announcement or commercial, to series television and films – the City of Glendora welcomes the opportunity to work with your production.

A film permit must be issued prior to any filming actually takes place on City property or City streets (exemptions are listed at the bottom of this page). Please review the guidelines and complete the application packet. We understand the fast-paced nature of most productions and will do our best to fast-track your request within five business days.

Film Application Packet

Film Liaison
A film liaison will be made available to assist with the coordination of obtaining a film permit.
Contact the Liaison at (626) 914-8239 or email

  • Permit Approval Issuance
    The City will make every effort to issue a film permit within five business days of receiving a complete application, and up to eight days if there is a need for street closures, special effects or special police services.

    Allowed Production Hours
    Production activity will be conducted between the hours of 6:00AM and 10:00PM.

    Permit Requirements
    The requirements below are for summary purposes only, for more information, please contact the film liaison.
  • Owner Authorization – Application must include a letter of consent signed from the property owner; alternatively, the location agreement may be provided.
  • Signatures from all neighbors adjacent to the film location, including and additional locations used for storage, staging or parking.
  • Notification Declaration – in addition to signatures from adjacent neighbors, a filming notification must be delivered to all residents and business owners within a 200ft radius at least 5 business days prior to the first film activity.
  • Liability Insurance – A certificate of insurance is required before a filming permit is issued in an amount not less than $1,000,000, naming the City as an additional insured for protection against claims of third persons for personal injuries, wrongful deaths, and property damage.
  • Indemnity Agreement - Applicant must sign an Indemnity Agreement.
  • Encroachments - If the production encroaches into the public right-of-way; onto the sidewalk or part of the street, an encroachment permit is necessary from the Public Works Department, (626) 914-8223. The Public Works Department will provide barricades and other services as necessary at cost determined by the City Engineer.
  • Fire Department - The applicant is responsible to make the necessary notification prior to filming to the L.A. County Fire Department of street closures, and the use of flammable, explosive or hazardous materials.
  • Street Closures - If the closure of a street is necessary, a parade permit must be obtained from the Police Department and approved by the City Manager.

    • The film permit fee is set at $750 for the entire duration of production, plus an application fee of $77 and $4 for CA SB1186, for a total of $831.
    • Please call the Recreation and Human Services Dept. at (626) 914-8228 for the use of City Parks or facilities. 
    • If there is a need or request for Special Police Services, the applicant will be charged for the cost of officers. Please see the attached Request for Special Police Services.

    Exemptions from Film Permit
    If your film activity includes one of the following, a permit is not required*:
    • Film activities conducted for the purpose of reporting on persons, events or scenes which are in the news for newspapers, television news and other news media.
    • Filming or videotaping on private property solely for private use.
    • Film activity, including staging, equipment storage and parking is done so entirely on private property without the disturbance of public peace and safety.

    *Any use of special effects, pyrotechnics, aircraft, parking/ storage on public property or other neighborhood disturbing impacts will be cause for the requirement of obtaining a film permit.