Capital Projects

The Engineering Division is responsible for design, administration, and management of all budgeted Capital Improvement Program (CIP) projects in the City. Below is a comprehensive list of all active projects as well as a summary of completed and upcoming street improvement projects to keep you informed about our efforts to provide a healthy, balanced, and progressive city for all Glendorans.

Active Projects List

There are numerous CIP projects that are currently active. Here's a comprehensive list of all active CIP projects within City of Glendora.

Completed Projects

Once a street has been reconstructed or repaved, it is now considered a moratorium street for the next 5 years. Moratorium streets cannot be excavated for a period of 5 years. The documents below provide more information of completed street improvement projects for the past 5 years.

Project Acknowledgement | Rubberized Pavement Grant by Calrecycle

Upcoming Projects

The City has several street improvement projects that are upcoming. The documents below provide more information of upcoming street improvement projects.

Pavement Management Program

In July 2020, Bucknam Infrastructure Group was hired to perform a survey of all the streets within Glendora to develop the Pavement Management Program (PMP). The purpose of the survey was to assess the existing pavement conditions of the streets. The data obtained from the survey is represented as a Pavement Condition Index (PCI). PCI is a number, between 0 and 100, that indicates the condition of the street. A PCI of 100 is considered the best condition of the street while a PCI of 0 is considered to be the worst condition of the street. Based on survey results, a PCI map was created showing the current conditions of the streets within the City. Below is the PCI map as of 2020.