What is T4G?
A program for teens grades 6-12, to support the development of young community leaders, assist with community service opportunities, and create a positive impact among the Glendora community.
Monthly Meetings
Held on the last Thursday of every month starting at 4:00pm at the Crowther Teen & Family Center
Is T4G Right for Me?
T4G requires strong commitment from its members. Members should be able to commit to monthly meetings and special events. Members should also show that they are leaders in their community by arriving on time to all meetings and events, being creative, communicating effectively with all members, and having a positive attitude. Our ultimate goal is to inspire all youth within Glendora to become active participants in their community.
Benefits of T4G
Civic engagement, knowledge of the community, direct community impact, receiving training and leadership skills, developing positive youth and adult relationships, expanding your personal network, and representing teens by recommending action in the community.
If you would like to get involved, please email teencenter@cityofglendora.org or call 626-914-2357.