Crime Mapping


The Community Dashboard is a tool which provides the user the ability to view various types of incidents that have occurred in the City of Glendora over a specific period of time. These incidents are broken into three categories: Incidents, Natures, and Circumstance. This allows us to display the different types of calls for service we receive since not all incidents are related to a crime.

The dashboard displays data in three different ways.

  • Period Comparison - compares two time-frames in 7 day, 14 day, 30 day, 60 day, or 90 day data sets.
  • Incidents By Hour – displays how many incidents occurred during the time of the day.
  • Incidents By Day – displays how many incidents occurred on a particular day.

Incidents will show the following: Aggravated Assault, Burglary, Fraud, Motor Vehicle Theft, Retail Theft, Robbery, Theft, Theft from a Vehicle and Vandalism.

Natures will show the following: Alcohol/Drug Offenses, Animal Calls, Assist Other Jurisdiction, Disturbance – Party, Disturbance – Person, DUI, Medical Assist, Municipal Code Violation, Traffic Accident, Traffic Accident – Hit and Run, Traffic Accident – Injury, Vandalism – Graffiti and Fireworks.

Circumstances will show the following: Homeless Contacts.

The dashboard also has the ability to map these incidents by clicking on “Crime Mapping” and checking the box or boxes next to the Incidents, Natures, or Circumstances. Clicking on the icon displayed on the map will show additional information. The addresses displayed have been anonymized by only displaying the hundred block on the street. You may also see the below clearance codes.

Clearance Codes

Clearance Code
Description of Code



  Cleared False Alarm
Call Completed
Cited - Report Taken
Homeless - Arrest
Homeless - No Report
Homeless - Report Taken
No Report Taken
Report Taken
Unable to Locate
Warning Given



  • If an incident is not displayed, we did not investigate that type of crime within the displayed timeframe. Crimes involving sexual assaults and homicides will not be displayed to protect the identity of the victim and the integrity of the investigation.
  • Although calls for service may result in multiple offenses per incident, only the highest (most significant) reportable offense is shown on the dashboard.  The data shown may not always be finalized due to internal processing time delays.  All addresses have been changed to show approximate locations due to the need for privacy in some cases.