Police Auxiliary

Glendora Police Auxiliary

What is the Police Auxiliary?

The Glendora Auxiliary Police was created in 1970 to provide a group of trained, informed volunteers who could be called upon during emergency situations or in the event of a disaster. The Police Auxiliary has evolved into a multi-task-oriented program whose success relies in the commitment and unique skills offered by both senior citizens and other community-minded individuals.

What Does the Police Auxiliary Do?

Volunteer officers perform a wide variety of duties both at the police station and out in the community. At the station they may be called upon to fingerprint job applicants. While out on patrol they conduct business foot patrol and provide extra eyes and ears to assist the department, help with traffic control, among other things. Another facet of Auxiliary service is participation in Special Details which could range from appearances at community events, parades, and check-points or emergency response in times of disaster.

Is Training Provided?

Every volunteer is provided with dozens of hours of training in Police Auxiliary-related duties. Currently, completion of the police department's Citizens Academy is a prerequisite followed by an additional Police Auxiliary Academy. This training is held for specific areas related to specific assignments and responsibilities.

What is the Cost?

Volunteers will be expected to purchase their own uniforms and shoes and along with some equipment. Costs will vary depending on source. Worker's Compensation benefits are provided for each Auxiliary Officer.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Glendora Police Auxiliary is to provide a high level of safety, security, and services to all members of our community by working along with officers of the Glendora Police Department, under the leadership of the Chief of Police. We will accomplish our mission by:

  • Being a trained body of personnel providing services in areas such as: school and business patrol, trustee visitations, traffic and crowd control.
  • Playing a dual role of community member and police department member.
  • Answering questions, providing help, assistance, service, and protection to the community.

Who May Qualify?

Concerned citizens who are:

  • At least 21 years of age
  • In good health
  • Possess good moral character
  • Have the desire and ability to donate time to their community

Individuals do not have to live in Glendora to participate in this community service opportunity.

How to Apply

Complete the following applications:

Submit both applications to the front counter of the Police Department.

Please email the Auxiliary coordinator with any questions.