The Water Division is a division of the Public Works Department. Our primary objective is to serve the highest quality water at the most reasonable price. The Water Division consists of the following sections.
The Water Administration Unit develops the long and short-term direction of the Water Division and provides contract and project administration for capital improvement projects identified in the Water Master Plan.
The Water Transmission Section is responsible for the production, disinfection, and transmission of drinking water to the residents of Glendora. The section insures that the eleven million gallons of water provided to the residents of the City each day meets or exceeds all water quality standards set by state and federal drinking water standards. They collect and analyze 300 samples every month for bacteriological, organic, and inorganic analysis and report results to California Department of Health Services. They inspect and maintain storage reservoirs, pump stations, and air/vacuum release valves, operate the City’s computerized Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system (SCADA) that controls and monitors active wells, interconnections, storage reservoirs, and pump stations.
The Water Distribution Section maintains 224 miles of water mains serving 13,000 water meters and 1500 fire hydrants in the City’s water distribution system. They respond to water main leaks, exercise isolation valves, flush water mains to maintain high water quality in the system and install new water services. The section is the "first responder" to water emergencies, 24-hours a day.
This section reads approximately 13,000 residential and commercial water meters on a bimonthly basis, and in cooperation with Support Services Department, sends out utility-bills. Other duties include replacing and/or repairing damaged meter boxes, responding to over two thousand service calls a year to activate or deactivate water services, pressure checks, water quality investigations, lead detections and billing inquiries.
Large Meter Testing and Small Meter Replacement program implementation and installation of the Automated Meter Reading system are also included in their responsibilities. Automated meter reading, which transmits meter information by radio signal, takes less time and eliminates manual entry errors. The Customer Service Section administers and monitors cross-connection and back-flow prevention programs to ensure the protection of the City’s water supply from contamination.
The Water Conservation section promotes the efficient & responsible use of the City's water resources through public outreach and education.
An Underground Service Alert for utility inspections like gas, electric, phone, cable must be conducted prior to repairs and may take up to 48 hours to complete. If severe damage or risk to public safety, repairs will begin immediately.