The Parks and Landscape Division is responsible for the management of approximately 16,000 City trees. The Urban Forest consists of more than 18,000 trees located at city owned facilities, parks, landscaped properties, and within the public right of way on streets and highways. There are also thousands of trees located on private and other publicly owned properties located throughout the city. Maintenance of trees located on city owned land is the responsibility of the city and trees located on other properties are the responsibility of the property owner.
PLANTING NEW TREES | Funding for tree planting is dependent on current fiscal budgeting. When planting new trees the city looks at the viability of planting a specific type of tree in specific areas. Viability shall be based on the following criteria:
- Adequate space available to allow for unimpeded growth
- Adequate line-of-site visibility for vehicles and pedestrians.
- Adequate and consistent water source available to tree.
PRUNING CITY TREES| City Trees are pruned on a tree trimming grid schedule by staff from the Public Works Department, Parks and Landscape Division or contracted workers who are Certified Arborists that follow the pruning methods prescribed by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA). The main purpose for pruning is to encourage proper growth, provide sufficient safety clearance for traffic signs and signals, streetlights, pedestrians and motor vehicles, and to remove dead, damaged and diseased branches.
REMOVING CITY TREES| The removal of a City Tree by any person or entity other than the City of Glendora is prohibited. To request removal of a City tree that is a safety hazard, diseased or dead, please complete a Tree Service Request Form(PDF, 169KB) and mail to: 116 E Foothill Blvd Glendora, CA 91741 . In an emergency situation such as a fallen branch or tree that is blocking traffic or has caused damage to a home or vehicle contact the Parks and Landscape Division: (626) 852-4869 or the Glendora Police Department: (626) 914-8250.
The following reasons are NOT valid for removal of a city owned tree:
- Excessive leaves, fruit, flowers, petals, bees, birds, and other animals, or insects that may create a nuisance.
- Roots that grow into the sewer or water line that services the home or business. The property owner is responsible for maintenance and replacement, if necessary, of lateral sewer and water lines that service the property. Roots typically do not enter sewer or water lines unless there is a pre-existing crack or leak.
- Hardscape damage if a feasible, economic solution exists to save the tree. The city will take responsibility to repair curbs, gutters, and sidewalks located in the parkway as necessary.
PLEASE NOTE: The City will only remove trees on public property; this generally includes trees on most median or greenbelt areas, but each case must be considered on an individual basis.