Activity Guide


Online Registration for Residents
Tuesday, January 7 • 8am

Walk-In Registration for Everyone
Tuesday, January 14 • 8am


Refund Policy

A $10 service fee is charged for all refunds issued. Refunds will be honored prior to the second class. If an activity is cancelled by the Recreation & Human Services Department, an automatic refund will be given.
If a class/trip/tour maximum is reached before your request is handled, you will automatically be placed on a wait list and your funds will be returned. If a spot opens, the wait-list will be contacted on a first-come, first-served basis, and payment will be requested at that time.
Absolutely no cash refunds are given at any time. No refunds given on trips $20 or less. Trip refunds are issued only if a requested cancellation can be filled from the wait list.


Instructors Corner

The City of Glendora is always looking for talented and community-oriented individuals interested in teaching their skill. If you or anyone you know is interested in teaching a class, please contact the Recreation Division at

Advertise with us!

A great new opportunity is now available to help your business reach the residents of Glendora. Businesses can purchase full color advertisements in the city's recreation guide. If the residents of Glendora meet your business' target audience, then the Activity Guide is sure to meet your advertising needs. With a distribution of 20,000, it's a great way to get the most out of your advertising dollars.

Advertising Packet(PDF, 695KB)