
ProjectsThe City of Glendora Transportation Division offers many different services to excite and encourage our community to use public and active transportation. Services include our Dial-a-Ride Program, Metrolink and Gold Line Commuter Shuttles, Midday Teen Center Shuttle, Bus Pass Sales and Bike Month activities! 

The Transportation Division also oversees and manages Transportation Local Return Funds and any grant funds received in order to sustain the Division's services and programs. The Division is also a liaison to other transit agencies within the region and makes sure to stay informed about upcoming projects, events, or programs that may affect or benefit the community of Glendora.

We cover everything from buses to trains to walking, biking and rolling...

Submit Your Questions, Feedback and/or Complaints

Get more information about Transportation Division Services, transportation throughout the region or submit a comment or suggestion regarding any of our services.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Glendora Transit allows requests for reasonable accommodations to customers with disabilities. You can also submit any requests for reasonable modifications online or by phone.

  • Call (626) 852-4814

How We Are Funded

The Transportation Division is funded by a few sources. The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) distributes Local Return funding via four 1/2 cent sales tax measures: Proposition A, which are funds dedicated exclusively to benefit public transit; Proposition C, funds that are dedicated to benefit public & active transit; Measure R and Measure M, funds that can be applied to an even broader range of transportation projects and programs.

We also receive funding from South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) via its AB 2766 Motor Vehicle Subvention Program. A portion of DMV vehicle registration fees are distributed to Cities on a per capita basis to encourage programs that reduce congestion and improve air quality for the region.

Transit News & Events

Online Dial-a-Ride Trip Reservation System

City of Glendora has implemented a new Passenger Portal that now allows you to book trips online! If you are interesting in registering or already have a new account, click here.

Booking trips online is easy! If you would like to register online, you will need a Client ID which we can provide you. To obtain your Client ID, please contact 626-852-4814 or email (You must be an existing Dial-A-Ride user to be able to access Passenger Portal.)

Book Trips 

Senior Market Run (Through Dial-a-ride)

Glendora is offering market runs for SENIORS ONLY through our Dial-A-Ride program. Please call Transportation at (626) 914-8233 to reserve a spot! Pick-up is @ 7:00am and Return is @ 8:00am.

Market Schedule:

  • Monday - Stater Bros.
  • Tuesday - Vons
  • Wednesday - Wal-Mart
  • Thursday - Albertsons

*Limited seating, so first come, first serve!

On the Move Riders

On the Move Riders is a peer-to-peer training program that aims to educate older adults about the joys of riding public transportation. Through group trips or one-on-one sessions, the program consists of experienced transit users (Travel Buddies) and less experienced riders (Participants) who travel together to fun places throughout LA County using public transportation.

If you are someone who is already well versed in LA's transit system we would love to certify you as an official Travel Buddy for the Glendora Chapter! You'll even get an incentive each month to say thank you for volunteering your time. If you are interested, Lily Ortiz at (213) 922-2299 or email

On the Move Riders Registration/Waiver(PDF, 473KB)

Here in Glendora, On the Move Riders activities are separated into three types of categories; Adventure Posse, Lunch Bunch and One-on-One Sessions. To learn more about each type of category and upcoming trips for each, please click on one of the corresponding buttons below.

Regional Transportation Information

Metro Fareless System Initiative

Metro is the third busiest transit agency in the nation, serving the largest service area - LA County - with over 10 million residents. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, ridership has taken a sharp decline.

Metro is working on creative ways to spur economic recovery amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and reverse the trend of declining transit ridership. Metro's onboard Customer Survey administered in Fall 2019 (pre-COVID) showed that 75% of Metro customers are Latino and African American, with almost 70% of customers having an annual household income less than $35,000 (81% with income less than $40,000). Furthermore, 51% of Metro customers live below the federal poverty level, with a median household income of $19,325 systemwide and only $17,975 for bus riders.

Beginning September 2020, the Fareless System Initiative (FSI) Task Force embarked on an intensive process of studying and identifying facts, challenges and opportunities related to eliminating fares on Metro buses and trains.

Learn more about Metro's Fareless Initiative

Arrow Highway Regional Corridor Plan

The Multi-modal Regional Corridor Plan for Arrow Highway is a plan that will develop recommendations for bicycle and pedestrian enhancements to improve mobility and safety across five cities: Glendora, San Dimas, La Verne, Pomona, and Claremont. The recommendations are shaped by public input, relevant data, and best practices.

Learn more or provide input about the Arrow Highway Plan

Reasonable Accommodations

Reasonable Modification

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Glendora Transit allows requests for reasonable accommodations to customers with disabilities.

A reasonable modification is a change, exception or adjustment that Glendora Transit can make to its rules, policies, practices, and procedures to provide a customer with a disability an equal opportunity to utilize Glendora Transit services.

Reasonable Modification Requests

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Glendora Transit allows requests for reasonable accommodations to customers with disabilities.

The request should be as specific as possible and include information on why the requested modification is needed in order to allow the individual to use Glendora Transit's services.

Requests for modifications can be submitted via online comment form, by phone, by mail, or by email (All contact methods listed below).

Reasonable Modification Complaint Process

Customers with disabilities may file complaints regarding denied request for a reasonable modification or accommodation.

Complaints may be made by any of the following methods:

Glendora Transit will investigate the complaint and provide a response to the customer within 24 hours.

Title VI: Civil Rights Act of 1964

Section 601 of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 states the following: No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

The City of Glendora is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of its service on the basis of race, color or national origin under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In addition to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the City of Glendora Transportation Division also prohibits discrimination based on sex, age, disability, religion, medical condition, marital status, or sexual orientation. In accordance with Federal Transit Administration requirements, the following documents are provided in Spanish and Arabic:





City of Glendora's GTFS Schedule data can be downloaded at: GTFS Files(ZIP, 39KB)

Terms and Guidelines for Use of GTFS Data

  • GTFS data is provided without warranties.
  • No availability guarantees are expressed or implied.
  • City of Glendora retains full rights to the data.
  • City of Glendora reserves the right to use the City of Glendora logo. 3rd party applications may not display the City logo. The City of Glendora logo is an indicator only for official, agency-supplied materials.
  • 3rd party applications should be presented as such. They should not be presented as being endorsed by, or affiliated with City of Glendora.

Questions or concerns can be addressed by contacting us at (626) 852-4814 or