Athens Services has performed this vital service for Glendora since 2006 at no additional charge. The service is part of the City's requirement to comply with eliminating trash and other material from making its way into the storm drains throughout the City of Glendora. Under both federal and state laws, we are responsible to this task.
Weekly every municipal street is swept by Athens Services. Athens sweepers will cover over 16,291.6 miles of curb annually. All sweepers must be compliant with Southern California Air Quality Management District regulations related to alternative fuel vehicles.
Athens Service Sweepers are all equipped with GPS devices so that they can ensure streets are swept as scheduled and that drivers have maintained the recommended speed limit to ensure the best operation of the sweepers.
There is no addition fee to the City of Glendora or its ratepayers for this service
For both reasons of safety as well as efficiency, street sweeping takes place in the early morning. The sweeping crew commences sweeping activity at approximately 2 a.m. (just prior to the beginning time window of restricted parking in the City of Glendora) and usually completes their respective route by 9 - 10 a.m. The routing is set up to complete the dense areas of traffic prior to 7 a.m. (i.e. schools, major arterials, median islands).
The only days we do not sweep are National Holidays and days of rain.
For questions or service delivery problems, please call Athens Services Customer Service Line at 888-336-6100 or email