Solid Waste Collection and Disposal

Solid waste collection and disposal is a critical service that we provide to residents and businesses. The need to protect the health and safety of our community by managing this service is one of our primary missions. The handling of solid waste is extremely regulated from what can be disposed of; how you handle it; what needs to be recycled to where it is disposed of under both federal and state agencies. Failure to do it right can mean significant fines being levied to defending against lawsuits from third-parties against the City.

The City of Glendora administers this critical service through a contract with a private vendor - Athens Services. Athens Services is one of the premier companies handling Integrated Solid Waste Services in Southern California. Athens Services has provided this valuable service for Glendora since 1992 through a series of fixed term agreements.

Under the agreement, ratepayers receive services that will assist customers and ensure the City of Glendora remains compliant with the stringent regulatory requirements.

For more Information, please call Athens Services Customer Service line at (877) 317-1441 or email

Residential Trash, Recycling, and Green Waste

Waste Disposal - Athens Services

Trash and recycling services in the City of Glendora are provided by Athens Services. To start or stop trash service, please contact Athens directly at (888) 336-6100.

Athens Services LogoAgreements with Athens:

Current and Previous Year's Rate Sheets:

Upcoming New Waste Collection Service

At the August 23, 2022 City Council Meeting, Amendment No. 4 to the City's contract with Athens Services was approved. This amendment included a change in our residential trash service, transitioning from a hand-tossed collection system to an automated collection system.

Athens will begin delivering new waste containers from November 14-December 9. The week of December 12 will be the first week of service with the new waste containers.

To learn more about this new program, please visit our Residential Trash, Recycling, & Organics page.

Compost Bins

Composting is a great way to dispose of yard waste and create free compost for use in your yard and garden. Compost bins are available for purchase at a subsidized price; special pricing is for Glendora residents only. Please see the Athens Rate Schedule above for pricing. Contact Athens Services at (877) 317-1441 to place an order.

AB 341 & AB 1826: Commercial Recycling

Mandatory Commercial Recycling

In October 2011, Assembly Bill (AB) 341 was signed into law setting a 75% recycling goal for California by the Year 2020. AB 341 requires all commercial (business) and multifamily dwellings of 5 or more units that generate 4 or more cubic yards of solid waste per week to arrange for recycling services. The City has entered an exclusive franchise agreement with Athens Services. Athens Services provides a mixed waste processing that is compliant with AB 341.

Mandatory Commercial Organic Recycling

In October 2014, California passed Assembly Bill (AB) 1826 requiring all businesses and multifamily dwellings with 5 units or more, to recycle their organic waste.

Organic Waste refers to food waste, green waste, landscape/pruning waste, wood waste, and food-soiled paper waste.

The mandatory commercial organic recycling time table applies as follows:

  • April 1, 2016: Businesses and multifamily residents generating eight (8) cubic yards or more of organic waste weekly must arrange for organic recycling services
  • January 1, 2017: Businesses and multifamily residents generating four (4) cubic yards or more of organic waste weekly must arrange for organic recycling services
  • January 1, 2019: Business generating four (4) cubic yards or more of solid waste weekly must arrange for organic waste recycling
  • Summer/Fall 2021: If CalRecycle determines the statewide disposal of organic waste has not been reduced by the 50% level of disposal during 2014, the organic recycling requirements will expand to cover businesses that generate two (2) cubic yards or more of commercial solid waste a week.

The City has partnered with Athens Services to provide organic recycling for commercial and multifamily unit customers. More information is available on the Athens Services website.

SB 1383: Reducing Short Lived Climate Pollutants in California

The purpose of SB 1383 is to divert organic waste from landfills by redirecting edible food to those in need, source-separating organic from non-organic waste, procuring products made from recycled content and planning for facilities that are able to compost or recycle organic waste.

This will be accomplished by:

  • Requiring organics collection services to all residents, multifamily dwellings, and businesses
  • Establishing an edible food recovery program
  • Conducting education and outreach to the community
  • Procuring recyclable and recovered organic products
  • Securing access to recycling and edible food recovery capacity
  • Monitoring compliance and conducting enforcement

The City will be working with our waste hauler, Athens Services and various other stakeholders in order to implement the programs required by SB 1383. For more information regarding SB 1383, please visit the CalRecycle SB 1383 webpage and the City's SB 1383 webpage.

Street Sweeping

Athens Services has performed this vital service for Glendora since 2006 at no additional charge. The service is part of the City's requirement to comply with eliminating trash and other material from making its way into the storm drains throughout the City of Glendora. Under both federal and state laws, we are responsible to this task.

Weekly every municipal street is swept by Athens Services. Athens sweepers will cover over 16,291.6 miles of curb annually. All sweepers must be compliant with Southern California Air Quality Management District regulations related to alternative fuel vehicles.

Athens Service Sweepers are all equipped with GPS devices so that they can ensure streets are swept as scheduled and that drivers have maintained the recommended speed limit to ensure the best operation of the sweepers.

There is no addition fee to the City of Glendora or its ratepayers for this service

For both reasons of safety as well as efficiency, street sweeping takes place in the early morning. The sweeping crew commences sweeping activity at approximately 2 a.m. (just prior to the beginning time window of restricted parking in the City of Glendora) and usually completes their respective route by 9 - 10 a.m. The routing is set up to complete the dense areas of traffic prior to 7 a.m. (i.e. schools, major arterials, median islands).

The only days we do not sweep are National Holidays and days of rain.

For questions or service delivery problems, please call Athens Services Customer Service Line at 888-336-6100 or email

Graffiti Removal

Athens Services is required to remove 90% of graffiti that is reported to our designated reporting phone numbers or email addresses within 24-hours. They need to remove 100% within 48-hours. Athens Services is required to photograph each graffiti incident and forward that information to the Glendora Police Department. A special team of officers uses that information to try to track down the perpetrators and keep track of possible gang activity.
About 60% of the graffiti occurs on public property, so Athens can move fairly rapidly to remove through power-washing it off or using matching paint to cover it.

To report graffiti, you may

Questions? Call an Athens Services Customer Service Representative at 888-336-6100.

There is no additional charge for this service to the City of Glendora or its ratepayers.

Missed Pickup Complaints

These are, in fact, extremely rare occasions. However, while Athens Services endeavors to keep its vehicle fleet in top condition so that they can serve their clients, there can be an occasion where a truck just breaks down. There are numerous moving parts in the engine and hydraulics that can break.

As a result, schedules can be delayed when these rare situations occur. All of Athens Services vehicles are equipped with global positioning devices (GPS) so they can be tracked. In addition, each vehicle is equipped with communication equipment that allows Athens Services to contact each one.

Additionally, Athens Services has a supervisor in the field each day to coordinate the trash vehicles, sweepers and other activities they operate. As part of our franchise agreement with Athens Services, they are required to keep records of complaints and those reports are sent on a monthly basis to the City of Glendora.

If you believe there is a problem with a possible missed pickup or any other service, please call Athens Services Customer Service Line at 888-336-6100 or email

Bus Stop Maintenance

Athens Services provides the maintenance of the bus stops throughout the City. Athens Services cleans bus benches, empties trash receptacles, removes graffiti and other defacing acts, and cleans the around the general area of the stop on a weekly basis.

There is no additional charge for this service to the City of Glendora or its ratepayers.

Questions? Please call Athens Services Customer Service Line at 888-336-6100 or email

Disabled Roll-out Program

Handicap PlacardThis service assists ratepayers that are physically unable to move their trash cans to the curb. Athens Services offers a free roll-out where they will take the cans from your side yard to the curb for disposal and then return the cans back to where they belong.

To qualify, the resident must possess a handicap placard or have a medical note from a physician requesting the service. Residents need to make sure the trash cans are freely accessible for Athens Services employees and that pets are secured safely.

For questions on the program and how to register your home, please call the Athens Services Customer Services line at 888-336-6100 or email

There is no additional charge for this service to the City of Glendora or its ratepayers.

Public Parking Lots and Alley Sweeping

Athens Services provides street sweeping to all public parking lots owned by the City of Glendora and public alleys. This service is being done to further comply with enhanced regulations by the State of California dealing with discharges into the storm drains. This service will also assist the City in keeping their appearance clean.

Residents that have alleys behind their homes need to make sure all vehicles are not parked in a manner that would impede access by sweepers and public safety vehicles that may need to access the alley. Residents should also ensure that trash cans or any other object are within their property and not impeding the access of these vehicles.

There is no additional charge for this service to the City of Glendora or its ratepayers.

Questions? Please call Athens Services Customer Service Line at 888-336-6100 or email