The City of Glendora is committed to reporting its financial activities in a timely and transparent manner. This describes the City's budgeting and financial reporting processes and provides compensation information.
The City's fiscal year begins July 1st and ends June 30th. The annual budget is developed in meetings open to the public. The budget applicable to the upcoming fiscal year is annually adopted by the end of June. The adopted annual budget is posted on the City's website. Hard copy editions of the budget are also available in the City Clerk's office for review.
The Finance Director presents monthly reviews of the City's financial status every September, October, November, December, March, April, May and June. A midyear review of the City's financial status is presented to the City Council every February. All meetings open to the public. In addition, at each City Council meeting, disbursement reports are presented to the City Council for review and approval.
Each year, the City Council engages a registered independent accounting firm to conduct an examination of the City's annual financial statements. The City Council meets with the independent accountants in a public meeting in December to discuss the financial statements and the audit report. The independent accountants are available to respond to appropriate questions from the public. The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and the Auditor's Report covering the preceding fiscal year are posted to the City's website, along with the Current Fiscal Year Adopted Budget and all are available to the public for review at City Hall. Copies will be provided upon payment of a copying fee.
Pursuant to State Law ABX1 26, all redevelopment agencies were eliminated on February 1, 2012. As part of the dissolution of redevelopment in California, the City of Glendora has been designated as the "successor" to the former Glendora Redevelopment Agency. An Oversight Board has been established to oversee and review the "wind-down" of the Agency, including the sale of property and paying off outstanding obligations.
2024/2025 Schedule of Fees for Service(PDF, 5MB)